In one documentary about extremely old times when men sacrificed their lives to reach the limits of their own and cars , I heard an interesting comparison. Motorsport is like climbing out a window reaching that limit before you just fall out. And in history, those falls were not one and not two. Hundreds. Or maybe even thousands. Taking away even those who watch that spectacle. Once upon a time, death in motorsport was completely common and taken for granted. Times have changed little by little and today the situation is completely different. And while racers still “fall through the windows” to reach the limits, modern security technology in most cases allows that fall to survive. So I decided to ask those we look at with awe standing next to the special stages. What do they think about limits? Why are they are reaching them and what processes are going on at the time? So, Limits and Rallying.
Continue reading…Martynas Samsonas
M.Samsonas / J.Vičiūnas – Rally della Val d’Orcia
Martynas Samsonas’ second visit to Italy
M.Samsonas / E.Snitkas – Rally Terra Valle del Tevere
Warm and distant Italy and Lithuanian adventures there
Continue reading…M.Samsonas \ E.Snitkas – Arctic Lapland Rally
The crew of the red Ford Fiesta N5 talks about their adventures in the world’s winterest rally – M.Samsonas \ E.Snitkas
Continue reading…Samsonas Rally Rokiškis ’19
When autumn comes, it’s a lot of fun to remember things that happened in the summer. Samsonas Rally Rokiškis was a good affair in the northern part of Lithuania. Samsonas name and quality of the rally attract very interesting participants. Some are doing better, others – worse. And what happened in early August? Fastest Lithuanian driver Vaidotas Žala with his Škoda Fabia R5 left no chances for others in Rokiškis region roads. But with this article, we will not tell a great Lithuanian rally epic, but rather honor a rare guest on the stages, but a very active person in a rally world. And past years only Lithuanians have the opportunity to see the legend flying on their country’s roads. Since 2012, Toni Gardemeister has only one official competition a year. He visited Latvia, Estonia, even the Barbados Rally described earlier. Well, for the last two years the Finn has been playing Lithuanian gravel roads with the BMW M3.
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