
Rallye Eiffel ’20

Rallye Eiffel Rally Week

Rallye Eiffel ’20. On the weekend of the thirty-second week of this year, the whole of Europe boiled. The WRC Finland Rally, which was supposed to take place at that time, was alive only with the help of various articles, memories, insights, and other media types. But instead, the Polish Rally Championship started in south-eastern Poland, also taking Slovakia under its wing. There Hyundai driver J.Huttunen heroically won the fight against multiple Polish and Slovak champion G.Gzryb. V. Pech Jun has finally bought a serious car and now is unbeatable for two rounds in a row. The legendary V.Pech with the Ford Focus WRC ‘06 was not stopped by event another legend – J.Kopecky. With Portugal already back on track, the famous Rali Vinho de Madeira was already the third round of the championship. And these are just the biggest rallies, not to mention a bunch of smaller ones. Since it is very difficult to pick a favorite, we will travel completely elsewhere.

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